Sunday, February 3, 2013

Not quite done yet...

So finding a wedding dress was quite easy. Now, shoes... that's a much more difficult matter! And since these aren't top secret (at least in my superstitious logic), it opens the field for pre-marital disagreement(*). So much to choose from, and only two feet!

I did buy a pair of shiny ballerinas for when my feet start rebelling against potential heels. (That part of sensibly-shoed Germanness has not yet been influenced by all the Irish monster stilettos around me.) But what to wear for the more official part of the day?

(*) I would like to declare, just in case anyone was now questioning our taste in footwear, that neither of us is serious about our suggestion. Even though I may be a wee bit more serious than he is. I mean, white patent leather Doc Marten's! Yay ...maybe. (Yaybe?)

1 comment:

Imogen said...

Definitely "Yay!" for the Doc Martens, and you should, you really should...